Online Order
1 Your Proofs can be viewed by Clicking on the Order button below. Enter your Online Ticket Code found on your Proofs. You will then be prompted to enter an email address. You will now be able to view your Proofs.
2 Click Buy Now to proceed. Select Product /Packages then select the image you wish to choose. At this point you can Edit your photo (Crop or Convert to Black and White or Sepia). Once you are satisfied with your image click Add to Cart. If you have additional children you can combine your order by clicking Change Gallery. Then enter the new Online Ticket Code and repeat steps above.
3 Please note that some Packages may vary or are not available online. Family Plan is Not available online. Return your order form to School by Due Date or mail your orders directly to us to receive Family Discount.
4 Once you have completed your order, Click Checkout to review your order summary. Fill in your information and payment option.
5 Submit your Order. You will receive a confirmation email for your order. If you are ordering online before Due Date, photos will be delivered back to the school 3-4 weeks after Due Date. Orders placed online after Due Date are subject to a $10.00 Non-Refundable Processing and Shipping Charge and will be shipped directly by our Lab to the supplied address 2-3 weeks after order date
6 Please note, your order was securely processed by Stripe. This charge will appear on your credit card statement as payment to: KEN STEWART PHOTOGRAPH
7 Please note Changes cannot be made once you have submitted your order to our Online Provider. If you have any questions please contact us @ 403 862-5905 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Before you submit your order.
8 Refunds will not be given for Online orders for any reason (selecting the wrong pose or package, cropping). If a mistake is made by us ( if you receive the incorrect photo, if we do not provide all components of your order or if there is an issue with the quality), we will send the corrected photos directly to you. Please ensure you confirm your order before proceeding to Checkout.
9 Click Link Below To Order Online. By Clicking Link you are Agreeing to the Terms and Conditions Above.